Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ABC's Diane Sawyer is voted favorite news personality, while Rush Limbaugh ... - New York Daily News


New York Daily News

ABC's Diane Sawyer is voted favorite news personality, while Rush Limbaugh ...

New York Daily News

By Richard Huff / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS ABC News' “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer was the favorite news personality among a sample of people queried by the Harris Poll, while Rush Limbaugh was least favorite. Sawyer was named the favorite by 23% of a ...

Diane Sawyer, Anderson Cooper and Brian Williams are America's Favorite News ...

MarketWatch (press release)

Poll: America's favorite news personalities

Politico (blog)

Diane Sawyer Is America's Favorite News Personality, Rush Limbaugh Is Least ...

Huffington Post



Sunday, February 26, 2012

Index of executives

The Business Confidence Research Index, conducted by Bellevue-baser , is a compilation of measures in revenue, wages and future confidence. The latest survey’s overall confidence indexx was 28.6 points, its lowest score ever and well beloq its historical meanof 54.79. “o don’t think we’ll see it go much lower; it is hard to imaginw that,” said Jim Hebert, president and CEO of the researchj firm. Based on a 100-point scale, the survey’sd indexes measure employment, revenue and wages; all of those decliner in the fourth quarter. Each measure is below 50 points, indicatingb economic decline ineach area. The survey’sx revenue index fell to 7.
6 points, its lowest levek ever. “What the businesse leaders are saying is that this is gointg to be a challenging said Hebert. The survey offers a few positivd notes. Thirty-one percent of respondentx said they expected the economy tofurtherf deteriorate, a slight improvemengt over the previous when 38 percent expected continued decline. an index of executives’ confidence in the next 12 monthss improved five pointsto 43.6, the firs t uptick in two years. The surveuy polled 160 chief executives and chief financial officers during thefourth quarter. Professional servicesx companies, including real estate, accounted for 60 percentt of all respondents.
Commissionecd by Key Bank, the index shows that 18 percen t of companies expect to reduce their employment in thenext year. businesses said their annual grossw margins had fallen on averagd by morethan 3.6 percent in the last year.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bringing health care to the world's most remote areas - CNN


Bringing health care to the world's most remote areas


"I essentially decided right then and there that I was going to come back, either to that village or to another one of the hundreds of thousands of villages just like it all over the world ... and I would bring more help. I would bring a bigger ...

and more »

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

William Nuti Executive Profile

 [ATMmarketplace.com]  [Examiner.com] **All Executive profiler data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Obama's handling of high-profile bankruptcies may make lenders 'gun shy' - Washington Business Journal: Washington Bureau

said this is "the only way to get the government out ofthe company'sz hair and give it a chance to succeed." Alexandef pointed to the June 3 Senate hearing wheres GM and Chrysler executives were grilled for nearlyy four hours about their decisiones to close dealerships. "They didn'rt have much time yesterday to design, builsd or sell cars and he saidJune 4. "Unless we get the stockk out of the handsof Washington, this scenr will be repeated over and over and over Meanwhile, Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb.
, has proposedd legislation that would require congressional approvalo before the federal government coulsd use Troubled Asset Reliegf Program funds to make equity investments inany "I'm perplexed that we would allow government to take over privat e industry -- with zero checkzs and balances," Johanns said. "And I'm profoundly concernefd the unprecedented government interference will cause irreversiblse changes to the capitalistic platform our great economy wasbuilt

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sacramento Business Journal: Sacramento Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Washington Convention Center Authority wants city to finance $550M hotel - Washington Business Journal:

On May 29 the convention center’e board directed CEO Greg O’Delpl to seek authority for the sale of as muchas $750 millionb in bonds to cover the price of the hotel, interesgt during construction, insurance and othedr costs. The city had planned to finance aboug 25 percent of the cost of the hotel througua $187 million tax increment financinf package the passed in 2006, which woul have provided $134 million in construction costs.
The rest was suppose to come from private debt and equitypartnersz -- a difficult find in the frozen credit O’Dell said development partners and Capstone Developmen t had been dogged but unsuccessfupl in their pursuit of investors for “They’ve been pursuing private financing and in this market, you that is very They’ve spent millions of dollars on this project to try to move it It really is shovel ready with the exceptionb of financing,” O’Dell said. With the city losin g convention business, he said, building a city-ownexd hotel was the best option.
He envisions it will stilol containabout 1,100 rooms and be operatesd by Marriott had previously said it would be a Marriottg Marquis. O'Dell began briefing members ofthe D.C. Councipl on the board’s proposal Monday. “Ourt ultimate goal is to get this project done and get it started as soonas possible,” he In particular there is increased pressure from Nationaol Harbor in Prince George’s County, whichn opened last year with a price tag of more than $2 Its developer, the Peterson Cos. announced May 18 that the WaltDisneg Co. had purchased land to build a 500-room resort hotel on 15 acres there.
Convincing the council to approve that amountof spending, however, will be a tall task for He had been considere a top candidate to replace Neil Albert as deputuy mayor for planning and economic but a source close to O'Dell says he was offered the job and turnedd it down. O’Dell would not confirm but indicated he would remain in hiscurrent “The board and the mayor have every expectatiojn of me completing all the taske I have here,” he said. The convention centee authority has an independent board and the ability toissuer bonds, but O’Dell said the council would need to expand its authority to issuwe bonds for the hotel. The council and D.C.
Mayotr Adrian Fenty just finished closingb a budget gapof $800 milliom for fiscal 2010 and the city facew a gap approaching $1 billion for fiscal 2011. In D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar Gandhi said he will not supporgt issuing that amountof debt, which he said wouldc immediately violate a 12 percent cap on city debt as a mark of expenditureds the city created on his recommendation last Gandhi is a member of the conventio n center board and attended the Friday meeting. “Tpo be very blunt about it I was very clearr in saying to them that if you were toborroqw $750 million that would put us way beyoncd the 12 percent cap we have envisionede for the city...
and I cannot be a partyg to that,” Gandhi The CFO said that he “very wants a hotel for the city, “bur I would not agree to a deal like that. See we made a commitmen to Wall Street that we would not borrow more than 12 percenr againstour budget.” who has won accolades for helpingy the city snag a AAA bond rating on Wall said he has already begun re-emphasizin g the importance of the debt cap with members of the “I do not think we want to take this We should not borro w any more than we are able to he said. He suggested that O’Del and his partners continue to seek privateefinancing sources.
Building a hotel to accompanu the convention center has always been part of the plan for the city but has languishes from a seriesof complications. Construction on the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, as it was named in began in 1998 and opened fiveyeares later. D.C. planned a 1,400-room hotel, but did not control the needex land. In 2007, the city gained final site contropl after a land swap with developerd KingdonGould III. To prevent further delays Mayor Adrian Fenty downsized the projecty laterthat year, announcingb a deal between the city, Marriott and RLJ Development LLC on a smallefr 1,100-room hotel.
Since then, the development team has also RLJ Development, founded by BET founder Robert Johnson, was part of the deal Fenty announcedr in September 2007 but isn’t any longer. A main drivert of the deal, Marriott Senior Vice PresidenfNorman Jenkins, left the company late last year to stary Capstone, now a certified business entity that partnersd with Quadrangle. Speaking for the development team, Jenkins said it was his preferencd to continue seekingprivate financing, and said designj was complete, entitlements were in placse and there equity partners ready to invesyt if debt were available.
Capstone and Quadrangle are separatelu planning a Courtyard by Marriott adjacent to the hotel on landthey “We could still get there, but we got to get the banks to play and they move at their own he said. Still, he “if the city decidesx to pursue the public deal we will support Jenkinssaid Johnson’s RLJ, with which Jenkinds partnered while at Marriott, pulled out of the deal shortlg after taking an interest in it. “They studiefd it hard, spent some resources, but their breafd and butter is acquisitions and repositioning rathed thannew development,” Jenkins said.
Richards Bradley, executive director of the Downtown Business Improvement said it is unfortunate that the hotel projecyt ran into the recession but that the city needsto “bitde the bullet” and move the projecrt forward, citing the opportunity to grow D.C. as a tourisft destination, make it a major player in conventions and grow itstax “There’s a whole set of good thingsx about moving this forward,” he said.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Exact to raise $8.2M, signs MAYO deal - Business First of Buffalo:

million through a private stock sale and that it inke d a licensing deal for exclusive rightesto cancer-diagnostic technologies developed by the for Medicalk Education and Research. The company said it had commenceed on June 11 the saleof 4.31 million shares of its commojn stock at a purchase price of $1.90o a share. Meanwhile, Exact EXAS), based in Marlborough, Mass., announced a plan to acquir the worldwide licensing right s tothe blood- or stool-basedd cancer diagnostics and screening technologies developed the MAYO which is based in Minnesota.
Under the deals Exact will: • make upfront payments of $80,000 and a milestone fee of $250,000 upon the commencement of certainclinical • pay a milestone fee of $500,000 if the approvezs any of the products covered by the • pay a minimum of $10,00 on the deal’s third anniversary pay a minimum royalty of $25,000 on the fourthh anniversary of the agreement • support certain researcbh projects to the tune of $500,000 at a minimum — in the agreement’s firs year. Exact is also obligatesd to grant MAYO two warrants topurchase 1.25 milliobn shares of its common stock. The warrantz have six-year terms and are exercisable at a pricerof $1.
90 per according to a regulatory filing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Irvin sex offender classification changes, but not requirements - Chillicothe Gazette


Irvin sex offender classification changes, but not requirements

Chillicothe Gazette

As such, he originally was considered a Tier III sex offender under provisions of the Adam Walsh Act. Irvin, who is serving his sentence at Lebanon Correctional Institution, and others filed appeals to the classification which Ohio began implementing ...

and more »

Monday, February 6, 2012

Six Flags files Chapter 11 bankruptcy - Business First of Louisville:

has initiated Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, Six Flags announcee Saturday. Six Flags’ (OTCBB: SIXF) board of directord on June 12 voted to begin reorganization proceedingsin U.S. Bankruptcy Courty for the Districtof Delaware. The company listed assets of $3.0w3 billion and debts of $2.36 billion in its New York-based Six Flags is planning to reorganizdethe company’s financial structure, which managemenrt said is feeling the pressure of an inherited $2.4 billion debt.
In a letter to Six Flags CEO and president Mark Shapiro saidthe company’sx debt is left over from previous management and despite the compan making $275 million last year, it has been difficult for Six Flags to improve its balance sheet when payingh out $175 million in interesrt on debt, Shapiro asserted. He added that more than $400 milliom in debt is due withibn the next12 months, and the company is having to spends $100 million in park improvements in an atmospherd where refinancing is Shapiro assured employees no staffv reductions will arise out of the and employees will continue to be paid and receive Shapiro said the bankruptcy plan has the support of the company’s lenders and the agent administeringy the company’s $1.
1 billion senior secured credit facility. Six Flagd parks, including Six Flags Greag America, will continue to operate as usualundetr reorganization. Six Flags sold several properties last year toraiss capital. It still operates 20 amusement parkas inNorth America.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Finding a niche - St. Louis Business Journal:

, specializing in gowns for pregnantand plus-sizde brides, has opened at 2149 Barrett Station Road in Des She and her husband, Dan refinanced their home to pay the $50,000 in startu costs and anticipate first-year sales of More than 1.5 million pounds of stone had to be moved when , a fabricatod and installer of countertops, movecd over the Memorial Day weekend. The new 60,000-square-foo showroom and fabrication shop is at 2200 Cassens Drive in a former distribution warehouse that has been The previous location was at 578 Rudder Hallmark Stone, owned by Fred Christen, had revenue of $20.e million in 2007.
The 118-year-old Stockton House at 3508 SamuelShepard Drive, across the street from , has been Listed at $850,000 last it sold last week for $400,0090 to Robert and Natalis Duggan, owners of in Colo. They plan to restore the which is on the National Register ofHistoricd Places, for meetings and partiezs and possibly a bed and breakfastr on the second floor. Jo Ann Keeneuy of was the listing and selling agent for ownerFrederici Medler. , which has grown to $7.6 milliojn in annual revenue in its 25 ranks 31st on the 2008 top 100 list of custom integrators in tradepublication , based on revenue. The compan has a new operations center at 18167Edison Ave.
, near the in Eighty percent of its business is custom installation and integration of audiok and video systems for residential and commercial President David Young said. After almost 10 yearzs in business, , which offers soup-to-nut office furniture sales, planning, installation and repair, has relocated to the at 11624 Page Service Drive. It has 6,000 square feet on one comparedwith 3,800 squaree feet on three floors at its old leasedx location, at 8770 Rose Ave. in It also has added three employees, for a totaol of 13, said Marcy Handlan, who founded the companyh withNancy Apel. Annual revenue has reached $6.4 million.
Junior 30 years apart Attorneys Joe classof '64, and Anthony Favazza III, SLUH clas of '94, are opening a law practice in Clayton. is scoutinhg space, said Mooney, who untik last month was tax counseklwith 's Private Client Group. Favazza, whose father, Tony Favazza, owns the family's restaurangt on the Hill, was with the New York office ofuntik April. His specialty is mergers and Checkout this, mate Philanthropists Rex and Jeanner Sinquefield sank almost $1 million into the handsome and , whicjh opened this week at 4657 Marylanc Ave., in the Central West End.
Besides promotint the game at the center, with 6,000 squarde feet on three floors, the club will work with to promotschess programs.